Online Courses for Taiko CrossRoads

This year will be the first time that we are hosting Taiko CrossRoads online.
Planned schedule is as follows:

  1. Monday, 5th – Tsubo (Katsugi Okedo)
  2. Tuesday, 6th – Akemi Jige (MitsuUchi)
  3. Wednesday, 7th – Kuniharu Hara (Odaiko)
  4. Thursday, 8th – Yukari Ichise (How to grow your taiko movement)
  5. Friday, 9th – Awa (Raku)

The workshops are planned to be live-streamed, but each workshop will also be archived during the week so that participants in each region of the world will be able to attend. Live talks with each teacher on Zoom is also planned.

There will be online drills (video, audio and notation) and other training resources to prepare for the course. These resources will be available to both online participants and those participants who are able to join us in Japan.  

These training resources are scheduled to begin April 30th and continue each week with new materials.

During the week of the course, online training will consist of live online sessions of concentrated learning each day.

There are also planned Zoom Meetings, Tour-Around-Iida views and other fun videos.
The Saiwai Shimoina Wadaiko Festival Super Show is also planned to be live-streamed to a world audience.

Taiko CrossRoads participants will also receive free tickets to any live-streamed performances during the Festival.

If you would like to attend Taiko CrossRoads, but might not be able to make it to Japan, please consider joining us online.

Taiko CrossRoads Website: